Практическая работа

Практическая работа № 13.

Построение  картосхемы  размещения  основных  районов  энергетики,  чёрной  и  цветной  металлургии,  машиностроения  и  химической  промышленности  мира.

Вариант 1.  Электроэнергетика  мира.

Ход работы:

  1. Используя  статистические  данные,  представленные  в  учебнике  Максаковского В.П.  (стр. 115  рис. 24,  стр. 116 рис. 26 и 27  и  стр. 346  табл. 20),  на  контурной  карте  мира  постройте  картодиаграмму  добычи  основных  видов  топлива  (нефти, природного газа, угля)  и   валового  производства  электроэнергии  в  конце  ХХ века;
  2. Стрелками  разного  цвета  покажите  основные  пути  транспортировки  нефти,  газа  и  угля;
  3. Используя  карты  атласа,  заштрихуйте  страны  с  большими  показателями  производства  электроэнергии  на  душу  населения  (более  5000  кВт.ч);
  4. Красным  цветом  подчеркните  страны,  в  которых  энергетика  развивается  на  собственном  сырье  и  синим  цветом – на  привозном;
  5. Сделайте  вывод  о  развитии  энергетики  по  странам  и  регионам  мира.

Вариант 2.  Чёрная  металлургия  мира.

Ход работы:

  1. Используя  атлас (стр. 17),  статистические  материалы,  предоставленные  в  учебнике  В.П.Максаковского  (стр. 122  рис. 28 и 29),  на  контурной  карте  мира  постройте  картодиаграмму  добычи  железных руд  и  производства  стали  в  конце  ХХ  века;
  2. Стрелками  покажите  основные  пути  транспортировки  железных  руд;
  3. Условными  знаками  обозначьте  крупнейшие  мировые  центры  и  районы  чёрной  металлургии;
  4. Используя  карты  атласа,  заштрихуйте  страны  с  большими  показателями  производства  стали  на  душу  населения  (более 100 кг);
  5. Красным  цветом  подчеркните  страны,  в  которых  металлургия  развивается  на  собственном  сырье,  синим  цветом – на  привозном  и  зелёным – на  собственном  и привозном;
  6. Сделайте вывод о развитии чёрной металлургии по странам и регионам мира.


Вариант 3.  Цветная  металлургия  мира  (на  примере  алюминиевой  промышленности).

Ход работы:

  1. Используя атлас ( стр. 18 ), статистические данные  таблицы  "Крупнейшие страны – производители бокситов, и металлического алюминия в 2000 году",  на  контурной  карте мира  постройте  картодиаграмму  добычи  бокситов  и  выплавки  алюминия  в  2000  году;
  2. Стрелками  покажите  основные  пути  транспортировки  бокситов;
  3. Условными  знаками  обозначьте  крупнейшие  центры  и  районы  металлургии  алюминия;
  4. Красным  цветом  подчеркните  страны,  в  которых  металлургия  алюминия  развивается  на  собственном  сырье,  синим  цветом – на  привозном  и  зелёным – на собственном  и  привозном;
  5. Сделайте  вывод  о  развитии  металлургии  алюминия  по  странам  и  регионам  мира.

 Крупнейшие страны – производители бокситов и металлического алюминия в 2000 году.


Добыча бокситов

(млн. т)


Производство алюминия

(млн. т)

  1. Австралия
  2. Гвинея
  3. Бразилия
  4. Ямайка
  5. Китай
  6. Индия
  7. Венесуэла
  8. Суринам
  9. Россия
  10. Гайана











  1. США
  2. Россия
  3. Китай
  4. Канада
  5. Австралия
  6. Бразилия
  7. Норвегия
  8. ЮАР
  9. Венесуэла
  10. Франция












Вариант 4.  Машиностроение  мира.

Ход работы:

  1. Используя  статистические  данные,  предоставленные  в  учебнике  В.П.Максаковского   (стр. 123  таблица  6),  на  контурной  карте  мира  постройте  картодиаграмму  производства  отдельных  видов  машиностроительной  продукции  в  середине  90-ых  годов;
  2. Используя  карты  атласа  (стр. 19),  заштрихуйте  страны  с  высоким  уровнем  развития  машиностроения;
  3. Условными  знаками  нанесите  на  карту  и  подпишите  названия  крупнейших  центров  машиностроения  мира;
  4. Стрелками  покажите  основные  пути  транспортировки  продукции  машиностроения;
  5. Сделайте  вывод  о  развитии  машиностроения  по  странам  и  регионам  мира.

Вариант 5.  Химическая  промышленность  мира.

Ход работы:

  1. используя данные таблицы  "Основные  показатели  химической  промышленности  мира  в  1998  году ",  на  контурной  карте  мира  постройте  картодиаграмму  производства  основных  видов  продукции  химической  промышленности;
  2. Используя  карты  атласа  (стр. 20),  заштрихуйте  страны  с  высоким  уровнем  развития  химической  промышленности;
  3. Условными  знаками  нанесите  на  карту  крупнейшие  центры  химической  промышленности  мира  и  подпишите  их  названия;
  4. Стрелками  покажите  основные  пути  транспортировки  химического  сырья  и  продукции  химической  промышленности;
  5. Красным  цветом  подчеркните  страны,  использующие  собственное  сырьё,  синим – привозное,  зелёным – собственное  и  привозное;
  6. Сделайте  вывод  о  развитии  отрасли  по  странам  и  регионам  мира.

Основные показатели химической промышленности мира в 1998 году.


Производство минеральных удобрений (млн. т)


Производство пластмасс (млн. т)


Производство химических волокон

(млн. т)

  1. Китай
  2. США
  3. Индия
  4. Канада
  5. Россия
  6. Германия
  7. Белоруссия
  8. Индонезия
  9. Франция
  10. Украина











  1. США
  2. Япония
  3. Германия
  4. Ю. Корея
  5. Тайвань
  6. Китай
  7. Франция
  8. Нидерланды
  9. Великобритания
  10. Бельгия











  1. США
  2. Китай
  3. Тайвань
  4. Ю. Корея
  5. Япония
  6. Индия
  7. Индонезия
  8. Германия
  9. Италия
  10. Таиланд












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Возможно, "Будь Здоров" – это не самый удачный вариант.: abcde

суббота, 7 ноября 2015 г.


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Endless piles of books and a dozen pillows on the couch – no, this does not look stylish! What other misconceptions stand in our way to order – told in this article.

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When interior decoration it is necessary to observe the subtle balance not to turn the apartment into storage unnecessary and obsolete things.

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Every item should have its own function, all should be in moderation – these rules are as old as the world, but we are not always able to follow them. What bugs are most common.

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On the one hand, numerous decorative pillows give the living room of comfort and play the role of bright accessories, however, all you need to know the measure. The abundance of pillows visually overload the room.

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What to do? When we are talking about a small space, the rule "less is more". Two to three pillows of different sizes and colors will be enough.

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Tea pots, cocktail glasses, cook books... Think about it – whether all these numerous accessories everything you need? Perhaps you do not use them all? What to do.

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The kitchen is the space that first and foremost has to be functional, so try not to clutter it up even charming, but useless things.

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If on your shelves gathering dust family heirlooms that had long since lost the "look" and came to final worthlessness, it is urgent to change it. The apartment is still not a Museum.

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What to do? Of course, we don't suggest you send in the bin cherished grandmother jewelry, but with less important things (say, a broken clock of the last century) it's time to say goodbye.

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A room without overhead shelves is simply impossible to imagine – for example, where else to put spices in the kitchen, so they're always handy? However, the more shelves we hang.

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A the greater the temptation to fill in their various details, which in principle has no place in the house. What to do? Be limited by the low shelves and put on them only the most necessary.

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Trays or decorative containers for small items such as keys, small accessories, TV remote – looks pretty impressive on coffee tables and dressers.

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But there is a danger: if we zagromozhdaet them, they immediately attract the eye, attracting much unwanted attention and becoming a good solution to the problem. What to do? Minimize the number of.

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In recent years we have seen a trend: people stack books in an infinitely high stack, "decorating" so the shelves or coffee tables. But let's be objective: it looks, to put it mildly, not very neat. What to do? Think about bookshelves.

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Surely you repeatedly met the Council to create a personal art gallery, by placing under the glass of cherished objects and hanging on all this splendor on the walls. However, not everyone is able to succeed in this business: assembled within one frame of diverse artifacts that do not have a common theme, just give the walls of.

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Why it is considered that the refrigerator is plastered with pieces of paper-reminders, describes the owners as a highly organized personalities. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: it looks sloppy.

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What to do? Take on the wall is a special place under magnetic or dry erase Board and strictly careful to fill it with only relevant information.

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Not always a quick solution is the best. Raking things in closed drawers or wardrobe, that is certainly some time to throw them out of my head, but then pay twice: to find something in this mess is just not possible.

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What to do? Even hidden from the eyes organize the space wisely: each inner shelf divided into several compartments using miniature containers. For larger spaces suitable basket.

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So, we laid everything on the shelves, containers and baskets. But correction of mistakes is not over yet! If you forgot about such trifle, as the shortcuts, the entire procedure will quickly turn into chaos: should you forget where it is favorite shirt, and you turn all neatly folded things upside down.

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The eyes are the mirror of the soul, Windows are the eyes to the house. They reflect its style and spirit, and through him to the character of the owners. If your house has large "eyes" from floor to ceiling for them to come up with a decent frame can be quite difficult.

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Who does not envy those with large Windows? Airy interior, stunning views, a feeling of unrestricted space. On the one hand, all this is true, on the other — the owners of the panoramic Windows of the burning question arises, what to do with them.

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Typically, such a window is left as is, but because of this, the room becomes less comfortable and lose the ability to make the atmosphere more colorful and interesting. We've been thinking about this issue and gathered.

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Colorful textiles is One of the main drawbacks of the panoramic Windows — a pretty significant heat loss. Quality curtains will help to solve several problems at once: to make the room more comfortable and a little warmer, and large Windows to give a decent frame.

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To tie curtains with the rest of the interior, we recommend you to use the classic method: combine colors and prints on the curtains and other textiles, such as decorative pillows, rugs, carpets, or linens.

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Bold gradient color Gradient long been quite popular in the field of fashion and beauty, but what if you try to create the Ombre effect on the hair is not and... on the Windows? It is best for such a bold experiment fit shutters from floor to ceiling.

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You can paint them yourself or just choose a suitable color from the manufacturer. Rest assured that in such an unusual accompaniment of the window will not remain unnoticed.

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Shades of blue Blue is the color of the sky and quiet, it's not irritating and it does not dim. We think it is the perfect cocktail for framing the panoramic Windows.

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Even on a large area of blue color is no pressure on the psyche, it gives a feeling of freshness and spaciousness, and when you use it on blinds, shining through them the light will be even more to lighten the atmosphere. We recommend you to combine it with white, coral, and other shades of blue, olive and yellow.

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Floral motifs Curtains with floral patterns are a great way to spice up the interior and make the window bright. The main appeal with this pattern — do not overdo it and not to fill the whole room with flowers so that they start to annoy you.

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The geometry lessons in Addition to color, great importance is the pattern. That is why if you want to select the window, but too bright colors you do not like, I advise you to try the shades in relatively quiet tones, but with an interesting print.

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Succulent green is Another trend color — saturated green. You can use it in blinds, Roman curtains, shutters or blinds. Recommend to combine with white and other fresh flowers as accents: blue, lime, orange and so on.

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Correct accents If you want to add a bright spot of color in a neutral room, the window is the perfect opportunity for this. Choose curtains or blinds of a contrasting color and dilute them too calm range.

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White is too bright Sometimes make the window bright — does not mean to hang the curtains, scarlet or ultramarine color. Cool shades of white too, looks amazing, especially in contrast with bright walls and dark furniture.

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Botanical garden Floral print tired, but I want to add into the room a romantic mood? We found a compromise solution: the blinds for Windows with Botanical motifs. This can be as a very specific pattern and almost.

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Living alone people should not be allowed to carry out transactions with their only shelter, the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. "We're building well, but then, how to keep housing for citizens.

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In his view, to protect citizens from fraud will help a ban on any transactions. "Let them live to death, then it will be social housing", - said Zhirinovsky.

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In addition, MP proposes to end the practice of selling shares in the apartments. He believes that such shares are redeemed strangers to stage and dormitories "to survive the true owners".

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In the early years of the capital detained the criminal group of the so-called "black realtors". The police asked the pensioner, who owns half the apartments on the Boulevard General Karbysheva.

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Some young couple bought the second half of this apartment from relatives of women without her knowledge. When the woman refused to sell them his part of the apartment, the new owners have made life unbearable pensioner.

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We will remind that specially to counter such scams in Russia are going to complicate the mechanism deals with shared property.

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It is proposed to establish the court as a binding arbitrator in deciding the issue of whether one of the participants in shared ownership to implement the right to dispose of his share, and how he can implement it.

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Combine bathroom – a tempting idea, which opens up great opportunities for design of experiments in the bathroom. But is this decision justified? Weigh the pros and cons.

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In the absence of any technical or functional contradictions, designers usually recommend to integrate and extend the bathroom. This is especially true in small apartments with tiny bathroom and toilet.

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Natalia is very demanding of himself and his work, designer, regular contributor to InMyRoom. Your best teachers she considers the people she encounters every day in the process of repair and design of apartments.

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The spacious bathroom in addition to bath or Jacuzzi you can afford a separate shower. I support this decision: in the shower quickly to freshen up, stand under a rain shower or a waterfall, and the bath is good for relaxation in the foam and sea salt.

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Only from blinds in the bathroom in favor of aesthetics should be abandoned. Spray on the floor will cope with a heated floor. Combined bathroom – a possibility to install a hot tub is the desired size. If your order has a spacious bathroom, it is possible to place the toilet.

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Make sure that it was not under the sink. This solution is unaesthetic and not very practical – you have to buy a narrow machine with a small load or special flat shell. If possible, it is still better to take out Laundry items in a separate room.

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If you want to use the shared space and not to renounce to the advantages of a separate bathroom, leave between bathroom and toilet a narrow baffle.

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Storage places do not happen much. The combination of bathroom will allow you to rationally arrange everything you need. However, you have to think carefully about how to hide from the eyes of a year's supply of cleaning products and paper towels.

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For these purposes I suggest to use a narrow cupboards, a niche in the wall, vertical racks, corner racks, shelves above or under the bath. Wide cupboard under the sink is a great place for the Laundry hamper and pull-out containers.

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To align the differences of heights standing on the floor of the equipment and furniture, order your countertop with a cutout for the sink from acrylic or marble that will hide nearby equipment.

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WC allows you to put in the bathroom, urinal or bidet. The first of these is relevant in families where a lot of men. It is very hygienic and convenient. A bidet makes sense to install in bathrooms with an area of not less than eight square meters.

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In more cramped conditions it is possible to do hygienic shower, which is useful for small household needs: for example, in order to gain a bowl or bucket of water. To such a soul need to bring hot water and for convenience to put the thermostat.